Guidance that Meets Your Needs, Results that Match Your Efforts.

Unlock the secret to lasting health & fitness, at any age.


The Stay Active Method Story:

Born from a Passion for Transformation

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Sick of feeling like your body’s working against you? We get it.

We get it. We’ve been there – frustrated, stuck in the cycle of pain and failed promises. You’ve tried every workout, every diet, every “miracle” cure, yet the struggle remains.

But you’re not alone. We’ve been there. We’ve felt that burning desire for change, that desperate hope for a solution that actually works.

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We refused to accept the status quo.

Dr. Corey Duvall, a leading expert in injury rehabilitation and elite fitness, was tired of seeing his clients struggle. Brian Delaney, a successful entrepreneur, was tired of being sidelined by chronic pain.

Together, they refused to accept the status quo. Their shared pain fueled a burning desire for change – a solution that went beyond quick fixes and actually healed. They knew there had to be a better way — a way to unlock the body’s own wisdom and create lasting transformation.

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That’s how Stay Active Method was born.

It’s not just an app; it’s a movement. A movement built on the belief that you deserve more than quick fixes and generic plans. A movement that empowers you to understand your body, reclaim your strength, and rewrite your health story.

We’re not here to sell you a dream. We’re here to equip you with the tools, knowledge, and support you need to achieve real, lasting results.

30 days limited time offer!

Your Path to Lasting Transformation:

The SAM Philosophy

Our North Star: 5 Guiding Principles


Personal Accountability

You are the hero of your own story. We empower you to take ownership of your health journey and celebrate your progress every step of the way.


Compassionate Challenge

We meet you where you are, offering support and guidance as you push your limits and overcome obstacles.


Balanced Growth Mindset

We understand that progress isn’t always linear. Our approach embraces the ups and downs, fostering resilience and sustainable growth.


Grounded Resilience

We help you build a strong foundation for lasting change,both physically and mentally.


Expansive Awareness

We guide you to discover your body’s unique signals,unlock new possibilities, and continuously expand your knowledge and potential.

Together, these principles create a holistic approach to fitness that transforms your relationship with your body and empowers you to achieve lasting results.

30 days limited time offer!

Meet the Team Committed to Your Success

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Dr. Corey Duvall

Founder, Stay Active Method

Co-Creator, Stay Active Method App

Dr. Duvall is a leading expert in injury rehabilitation and elite fitness with over 20 years of experience helping individuals overcome pain and achieve their fitness goals. He’s passionate about data-driven solutions and believes in empowering clients to become their own best healers.

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Brian Delaney

Founder, Unlock Potential

Co-Creator, Stay Active Method App

A successful entrepreneur, Brian knows firsthand the frustration of juggling a busy life with the desire to be healthy and fit. After years of struggling with chronic pain and ineffective workouts, he discovered the transformative power of the Stay Active Method. Now, he’s passionate about empowering others to achieve their full potential through personalized, data-driven guidance.

Real Results, Real People

I love that your programming allows space for all the phases of my body and energy. At a regular CrossFit I’d be expected to go 110% on whatever programming the coach wanted today. But with your gym I can listen to what my body needed today which was just steady grind and some playfulness to get everything moving along.

I’m so grateful to have found your gym, it’s perfect for where I’m at in my life and I appreciate how I can push myself on the days my body wants to explore but still enjoy movement when it needs something more chill. I also love the space to explore things like handstands, that unstructured space and time was never a part of traditional CrossFit.

Sarah Thompson

DB, Level 1 CrossFit Coach

Jessica Larson

Level 2 CrossFit Coach

Rob William

Certified Personal Trainer, NASM

Jessica Larson

ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist

Your Transformation Starts Here

We believe your body is capable of incredible things. It’s time to unleash your inner healer and reclaim your power.

With our data-driven guidance and supportive community, you’ll:

Your spirit is strong, your body can be too

Overcome pain and limitations, and discover a newfound sense of physical and emotional well-being.

Grow from Patient to personal healer

Learn to understand your body’s unique signals, make informed choices, and take charge of your health journey.

Age with strength, not setbacks

Embrace every stage of life with confidence and resilience, proving that age is no barrier to achieving your goals.

It's time to ditch the doubt and discover what your body is truly capable of.

30 days limited time offer!

Take the First Step to a Healthier You

It’s time to ditch the doubt and discover what your body is truly capable of.

30 days limited time offer!

Get Your FREE

Pyramid of Fitness Blueprint

Discover the secrets to healing and transformation with our free ebook.


Got Questions? We've Got Answers.

Get all the information you need to begin your transformation with confidence.

Stay Active Method (SAM) is a data-driven fitness app that empowers individuals to understand their bodies, achieve lasting results, and transform their relationship with movement. Unlike generic plans, SAM tailors workouts based on your unique needs, goals, and feedback. We focus on building a strong foundation of strength, steadiness, and adaptability to help you overcome limitations, prevent injuries, and unlock your full potential.

SAM is for anyone who wants to take control of their health and well-being, regardless of age or fitness level. Whether you’re struggling with pain, injuries, or simply want to improve your overall fitness, SAM can help you achieve your goals.

We’re more than just an app; we’re a movement. Unlike quick fixes or one-size-fits-all plans, SAM combines cutting-edge technology with the ancient wisdom of listening to your body. We prioritize data-driven insights, personalized guidance, and a supportive community to empower you on your health journey.

Yes, absolutely! SAM is designed to be adaptable and safe for all fitness levels. Our personalized approach ensures that workouts are tailored to your specific needs and limitations. We recommend consulting with your healthcare provider before starting any new fitness program, and our app allows you to track and communicate any concerns directly with our team of experts.

The Stay Active Method was born out of the shared frustration of Dr. Corey Duvall, a leading expert in injury rehabilitation and elite fitness, and Brian Delaney, a successful entrepreneur. Both experienced the limitations of traditional fitness methods and the lack of lasting results for themselves and those they served. Their shared pain fueled a passion for change and a desire to empower individuals to achieve lasting health and well-being through a data-driven, personalized approach.

While Dr. Duvall was searching for a better way to address his clients’ needs, he crossed paths with Brian Delaney, who was struggling with chronic pain. Through their collaboration, they realized the transformative power of their combined knowledge and experience. This led to the creation of the Stay Active Method, a revolutionary approach to fitness that blends cutting-edge science with the wisdom of the body.

Brian Delaney

Founder, Unlock Potential

Co-Creator, Stay Active Method App

Dr. Corey R. Duvall

Founder, Stay Active Method

Co-Creator, Stay Active Method App

The time for real fitness is NOW.
Are you ready to take action?

30 days limited time offer!

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    Apply to Join the Stay Active Method Mentor Program

      Thanks for taking the first step towards becoming a SAM Mentor!

      We’re excited about your interest in joining our community of passionate coaches and health professionals.

      Your application has been received, and our team will review it carefully. We’ll be in touch soon with next steps and additional information about the program.

      In the meantime, feel free to explore our website and learn more about the Stay Active Method.

      Apply to Join the Stay Active Method Mentor Certification

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        Congratulations on taking the next step in your coaching path!

        We’re thrilled you’re interested in advancing your expertise with our certification program.

        Your application has been received, and we’ll review it shortly to determine your eligibility for the program level you’ve selected. We’ll be in touch soon with next steps and details about the training process.

        Thank you for choosing Stay Active Method to help you grow as a mentor!